Pandora Platinum has created the ultimate Bartop Arcade. This Bartop Arcade offers the same arcade action as you're used to, but now with a coin slot. The 19 inch screen with its metal chassis is a great way to enjoy retro arcade games. The Bartop Arcade offers similar support as the original Pandora Platinum Home Arcade Machine. It also allows for customization with Sanwa Arcade Sticks and Buttons to create a new level of experience.
Question: This page says no sales tax, but when I add this to my cart and select California tax is added. Is this an error?
By zerochiten on September 14th, 2023
Answer: California and Nevada sales tax currently. Nothing we can do .. blame your State officials.
Question: Can I upload my own games to this?
By moemunee on August 29th, 2023
Answer: You can, but we don’t troubleshoot or offer any warranty or advice on doing so.
Question: will the pro ver play tekken 5 and 6? and whats the difference between this bartop and the other bar top model
By kai199025 on July 15th, 2023
Answer: Pro will play Tekken 5 and 6, the difference between bartops is the color/style.
Question: How many games are preloaded in the machine? And I'd there a free play option as well or is pay to play lol?
By Sergio on May 9th, 2023
Answer: The options of games depends on which version of the mainboard you choose. You can see the starting list here at
Alternatively the Pro version allows more games to be played and different game archives can be used if you want the service of having a different set for a multitude of platforms.
Game coin use is optional and can be set to free play.
Question: Does this product comes with the pro version board?
By jcglz26 on January 15th, 2023
Answer: You can upgrade to the pro board as an option here. Just like all of our home arcade consoles, you can also upgrade the sticks and buttons.